Todd at Past & Present is a Rock/Car Star. A Nice Guy and one Helluva' Mechanic. My Car Knowledge is like Zero, Less Than Zero even and Todd is an All-Things-Automotive-Rocket-Scientist. Once again, Life is a SEINFELD Episode. Here's an important Life Lesson from George Costanza. "Well, of course your mechanic is trying to screw you. What do you think? That’s what they do. They can make up anything. Nobody knows. “By the way, you need a new Johnson rod in there.” “Oh, a Johnson rod. Yeah, well, you better put one of those on.” Like George, I am Clueless whether I really do need a Johnson Rod or not. Todd was a Real Pro and more Honest than George Washington Confessing to Chopping Down The Cherry Tree. Things are tight and He really worked to keep the Bill affordable. That's Honesty and Integrity. Thanks, Todd. And Thank You too for not installing the infamous Johnson Rod. Getting Your Car Repaired at Past & Present Auto is something I highly recommend. Murph